What Are the Side Effects of Xarelto

For people taking Xarelto, it can be a tremendous aid in helping reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke, especially in those with atrial fibrillation. The prescription drug is also known as rivaroxaban and it is an FXa inhibitor designed to prevent deep vein thrombosis which could lead to complications in patients who undergo […]

15 Most Famous Malpractice Lawsuit Cases in History

Medical malpractice is the result of a diagnosis, operation, or hospital stay gone terribly wrong. As if going to the doctor’s office or having surgery isn’t stressful enough, some patients can be left disfigured, in pain, or even die due to negligence and general malpractice. Sadly, many of the following famous malpractice lawsuit cases are […]

What Are Asbestos Exposure Symptoms?

While asbestos was once widely used throughout the United States for a number of products and projects, its use since the 1970’s has steadily declined. Despite this drop in use, asbestos is still utilized in some construction materials and there are still many homes with asbestos-containing products such as insulation. Now, after years of being […]