About Helping the Injured

For over 25 years, Helping the Injured has been an advocate for consumers, helping them find the information, resources and legal counsel they need to make a difference in their lives and in the lives of countless others.

The truth is there are no checks and balances when it comes to drugs, products or materials in the marketplace that can be dangerous to your health. Drug companies and manufacturers have no legal obligation to tell you that you may have been exposed to dangerous chemicals or that their product may not be safe for you.

At Helping the Injured, we think this is unacceptable and work tirelessly to keep you informed about the dangers that are out there. We also partner with some of the best attorneys in the country, many of whom specialize in specific practice areas and have excellent track records against large pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers. Helping The Injured provides support to victims recommended to us by the Jennifer Stanich-Banmiller Foundation.

We offer free consultations with our expert staff to help you find the right attorney to fight for you or point you to resources and other information.

We believe knowledge is power and encourage you to browse our site for the latest information about dangerous drugs and products you may use everyday. We publish our knowledge, not just to help unwitting consumers, but also to expose dangerous practices in the marketplace that affect millions of lives. It is our hope that the more cases that come to light, the safer future products will be.

We’re all in this together and together we can make a difference!